Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Going Over the Records

There is one thing that will always sell.  A good memory.  You remind somebody of a wonderful childhood experience, they will buy whatever you put in front of them.  Final Fantasy Record Keeper is a fine example of this principal.

The entire idea behind the game is good memories.  You are in a library holding the records of all the greatest tales of your world, and surprise, surprise, they are the final fantasy games! 

But something has gone wrong, and now you, a brave librarian, must enter the records and set them right.  Fear not, though, young adventurer, you are not alone in your quest.  You are joined by the spectres of the heroes from the tales you are saving.

So, this game is all the nostalgia of your favorite FF games, without all the grinding and bothersome world-walking.  Also, abilities work different then they ever have for a FF game, and you are limited to two special abilities, and the basic attack and defense.  So even your spells and specials have to be strategically planned before entering the fray.  Honestly, I've been addictive playing this game for almost two years, and it just keeps getting more good stuff.  Check it out, it's one of the best free titles on Google Play. 

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