Monday, October 3, 2011


So, my good friend Haiku Master got me started on LOTRO, or Lord of the Rings online, the other day.  And I have to admit, I'm hooked.  I've never really been one for MMORPGs but this one has won me over.

And I think the reasoning is amazingly simple.

First, they took a world I have always wanted to explore and gave it their version of reality, and secondly, they removed the "you must pay every month" payment model.  I know that paying for games is the way game studios make money, but I'm not really one to pay for a game over and over again.

Plus, the graphics on this game are amazing, and the game play is good, too.  On top of that, there are more quests than you can shake a stick at, so the game keeps you more than busy trying to get everything done.

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